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JSON Operators

Table of Contents


  • Dot . is used for member access
  • Square brackets [] are used for array access
  • SQL/JSON arrays are 0-based indexed (unlike regular SQL arrays that start from 1)


Operator Usage Description
-> json(b) -> integer = json(b) Extracts n’th element of JSON array
-> json(b) -> text = json(b) Extracts JSON object field with key
->> json(b) ->> integer = text Extracts n’th element of JSON array, as text
->> json(b) ->> text = text Extracts JSON object field with key, as text
#> json(b) #> text[] = json Extracts JSON sub-object at path
#>> json(b) #» text[] = text Extracts JSON sub-object at path, as text
@> jsonb @> jsonb = boolean Does the first JSON contain the second?


Operator Operation Result
-> ‘[{“a”:“foo”},{“b”:“bar”},{“c”:“baz”}]'::json -> 2 {“c”:“baz”}
-> ‘{“a”: {“b”:“foo”}}'::json -> ‘a’ {“b”:“foo”}
->> ‘[1,2,3]'::json ->> 2 3
->> ‘{“a”:1,“b”:2}'::json ->> ‘b’ 2
#> ‘{“a”: {“b”: [“foo”,“bar”]}}'::json #> ‘{a,b,1}’ “bar”
#>> ‘{“a”: {“b”: [“foo”,“bar”]}}'::json #>> ‘{a,b,1}’ bar
@> ‘{“a”:1, “b”:2}'::jsonb @> ‘{“b”:2}'::jsonb t
<@ ‘{“b”:2}'::jsonb <@ ‘{“a”:1, “b”:2}'::jsonb t

  1. Postgresql JSON Functions and Operators  ↩︎